Northeast Ohio Based Equine Photographer

Bio About Me

Emily Charis O’Brien

Hello! I’m the face behind the camera here at Emily Charis Photo, and I hope I get to introduce myself in person! I’ve always had horses occupying one half of my heart, and the other has been occupied by a desire to collect meaningful things. As a little girl I collected seashells and rocks on vacations, and saved every single plane ticket in an effort to keep as many of the memories from those places as possible. As I grew up, I transitioned to collecting beautiful moments with my camera lens. Now my focus (no pun intended!) has shifted to preserving the unique sparkle and personality of your beloved pets, along with the deep connection you share with them, and turning them into tangible memories for you to treasure for years to come, be it on the walls of you home, or in an album for you to hold.

horse photographer

Josiah & Winnie O’Brien

I’m married to my best friend Josiah, and have a beautiful red thoroughbred mare named Winnie. When I went out to look at her before making the decision to bring her home, Josiah went right up to her and hugged her…right around her little face! And she let him! That’s when I knew she was going to make a wonderful addition to our family. Both of them are vital to Emily Charis Photo, as they uncomplainingly serve as my forever models, one requiring a few more cookies for their cooperation…I’ll let you guess who!

fine art
Horse portraits